Thursday 12 February 2015

Feedback from Draft

We got a lot of useful feedback for our draft. We got some feedback on the structure of our editing as in one scene it doesn't quite make sense as one person hangs up on a phone and another is still speaking on their phone. This helped us as we could fix this to make it more continuous and easy to follow, also it lead to us watching our clip closer and looking for other mistakes of the same type which we found with a bag as it was being closed in one scene and in another he was still looking in it. We got a lot of positive feedback on our shot variation which is good as i tried to this whilst i was filming.

Film Project First Draft

Evaluation: The first draft is quite good. It has helped us to realise what we can and can't do. We also managed to make a convincing fight scene which is difficult as seen in some other people's footage. I managed to get a variety of shots which suits the action-adventure genre as lots of different types of shots keep changing the point of view which increases the pace of the film. I am also proud of some of the titles. especially the puddle one as it fits perfectly with our film. Also our final title is good as it quite complex to make which will hopefully get us a few marks. But we need to improve some of the opening shots as they were quite wobbly and improve our stability of the camera. We also need to cut out a character due to their being to many which may confuse the audience.

Thursday 5 February 2015

How I made the title

I followed this step by step guide on YouTube to create the title and the title effect, although we have changed the font, the effect still works on the titles.

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Possible Voiceover

Voiceover I’m Ray Shepherd, top hitman for my dads gang. Being chased is my daily job. Maybe I was born with the talent to kill and steal, or maybe I had developed these skills over time. Who knows?

Monday 2 February 2015

Filming Footage

Firstly we put all of our film from our SD card and Go Pro onto one track. We removed all the bad footage that will not be needed and this left us with useful footage.

We then used the storyboard and our opinions to decide how long we wanted each shot to be. We also added our soundtrack which gave us a good look into how our project will look.

We still need to film a lot of footage but we still have a few filming sessions which leaves with positive outlook what our final project will be like as long as we get good enough footage.

GoPro test Cam

Although I wasn't there whilst this filming was going on I still got the other people in my group to teach me how to use the GoPro. I felt this was important so we can have as many people as possible who could use all the equipment which would give us the best footage possible.