Thursday 29 January 2015

3 likes of other work

I chose the production ident as it looks quite complex and has a sense of mystery to it which supports the rest of their opening sequence. The word Icon also suggests that something is watching you and that is what the audience so the to main character throughout the sequence.

I chose this image as it is at a slight tilt which gives the audience the viewpoint from the main character and makes them empathise with him as they feel they are inside him. 

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I like this camera shot as it is a pan from a unique position which gives the viewer a distorted view and makes us feel as if something has happened due to being in such a weird position. Also the title is very subtle which doesn't take the viewer away from the film but is still noticeable.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Chase Sequence and Gun Shots Helper

Although this video is based around cars, we can transfer the same techniques over to our foot chase. will help us as we can see and learn what type of angles and length of shots to use so we can get the most effective shots as possible.


Shooting Schedule

Props List


We decided to use this soundtrack in the end as we feel it gives more of a thrill to the audience and can fit in very nicely with the Action/Adventure opening sequence. I uploaded it to sound cloud so it can be used very easily and easily accessible for when we need it. Also, since its on sound cloud we could get comments to see how good it is.


Improved Animatic

We improved our animatic according to the feedback we got from our peers. One thing they said to improve was the soundtrack, they said it did not go with the vibe of the film but it felt more like a jungle themed film. We changed the soundtrack to a more gritty city based theme which goes very nicely with the style of the film. Another improvement we have to do is finish it which we did so the opening sequence will make sense. Now, the opening should make it clear on what is going on.

Anamatic Feedback

Location shots

The first scene in the opening extract will be shown here when the camera will eventually zoom into a document with the protagonists name and picture on it. We want it to be based here as this location is based in a rural area and will provide a great opening. We may use a different location as we discuss the technical side of things when filming. However, this is our initial idea of where we want our first scene to be. 

These are alleys we will use to shoot our chase sequence. This location will provide a place for a close chase with a few obstacles which will make the audience excited. We will also be able to use many different types of shots due to my garage/shed being placed in the alley so we can get a few high angle shots and maybe a pan of the area 

Thursday 15 January 2015

Audience Feedback

Titles and Production Ident Summary

This is the sound effect i added to my production ident. It is a door slowly creaking which i got from

This is the 'pictures' which pops up at the end. This goes in time with the sound effect as the door closes at a certain point and makes a loud bang.

This is the key framing i used to make the 'jailbreak' swing round from the right to centre. This also matches the sound effect as the door creeks whilst it swings round and stops when the door slam.

This is the back ground picture i added which i got from google images. This links to the production company as it is called jailbreak and this shows a man behind bars.

My finalised Production Ident